[1] EPA-WG/EPA-concept: Embeddable Progressive Application Working Group for WebComponent for embedding 3rd party web and native apps into HTML page. () https://github.com/EPA-WG/EPA-concept

EPA is a WebComponent for embedding 3rd party site content, insulation of context (js, css, dom), and API for interaction with container (page or another EPA).

[2] EPA-WG () https://github.com/EPA-WG

[3] EPA-concept/working-group.md at master · EPA-WG/EPA-concept () https://github.com/EPA-WG/EPA-concept/blob/master/working-group.md

[4] EPA-concept/working-group.md at master · EPA-WG/EPA-concept () https://github.com/EPA-WG/EPA-concept/blob/master/working-group.md

Web 3.0 concept assumes the web page content served by multiple vendors from different hosts simultaneously.

EPA - Embeddable Progressive Web Application, a WebComponent acting as IFRAME with interaction with host page layer. The "web" is skipped in acronim as same convention is applicable to device native apps.

[5] EPA-WG/epa-wg.github.io: Embeddable Progressive Application Working Group site () https://github.com/EPA-WG/epa-wg.github.io

[6] EPA-WG/EPA-concept: Embeddable Progressive Application Working Group for WebComponent for embedding 3rd party web and native apps into HTML page. () https://github.com/EPA-WG/EPA-concept