[1] GitHub - saitoha/drcsterm: DRCSTerm aims at reviving the DRCS(Dynamically Redefined Character Set) feature to the Terminal World., https://github.com/saitoha/drcsterm

DRCSTerm aims at reviving the DRCS(Dynamically Redefined Character Set) feature to the Terminal World. It provides the character mapping service which converts some UCS Private Area (Plain 16) characters to ISO-2022 designation sequences on your terminal.

[2] 関連: DRCS, 指示シーケンス, PUA, CSI

[3] Soft Character Set (DRCS) - Togetter, https://togetter.com/li/385813

[4] mlterm/DRCS-SIXEL-v2 at master · arakiken/mlterm · GitHub, https://github.com/arakiken/mlterm/blob/master/drcssixel/DRCS-SIXEL-v2

[5] DRCS-SIXElについて · Issue #12 · kmiya-culti/RLogin · GitHub, https://github.com/kmiya-culti/RLogin/issues/12

[6] DRCSのSixel拡張について - Qiita, https://qiita.com/arakiken/items/626b02cd857d20c12fbc