[1] Browser-Based Authentication (BBAuth) - YDN (2015-03-05 15:28:05 +09:00 版) <http://web.archive.org/web/20120521191442/http://developer.yahoo.com/bbauth/>
You build great web applications. We have millions of users who store their data on Yahoo!. Browser-Based Authentication (BBAuth) makes it possible for your applications to use that data (with their permission).BBAuth also offers a Single Sign-On (SSO) facility so that existing Yahoo! users can use your services without having to complete yet another registration process.
You build great web applications. We have millions of users who store their data on Yahoo!. Browser-Based Authentication (BBAuth) makes it possible for your applications to use that data (with their permission).
BBAuth also offers a Single Sign-On (SSO) facility so that existing Yahoo! users can use your services without having to complete yet another registration process.
[2] BBAuth - Making Authenticated Service Calls - YDN (2015-03-05 15:29:18 +09:00 版) <http://web.archive.org/web/20120419175109/http://developer.yahoo.com/bbauth/authcalls.html>