

[1] Share:API - Adobe Labs ( 版) <>

[2] Share:API - Adobe Labs ( 版) <>

AdobeAuth Literal string indicating that this is an authorization header.

apikey The API key registered to this application.

data A concatenation of three values: the HTTP method, the URL of the request, and the timestamp of the request in milliseconds.

sessionid The sessionid returned from a new session request as described in Starting a new session. Not used for the initial authorization token and new session requests.

sig MD5 digest of the string formed by concatenating data with the shared secret returned by an authorization token request.

For example, an authorization header for getting the list of nodes in the root folder (see Listing file and folder information) is:

Authorization: AdobeAuth



data="GET 1188518642796",


[3] Adobe Share APIで認証を受ける。 - うなの日記 ( 版) <>

[4] folio-producer-api/APIRequest.php at master · CoffeeAndCode/folio-producer-api ( 版) <>

return 'AdobeAuth ticket="'.urlencode($this->config->ticket).'"';