電子ニュースとかHTTPとかは厳密には RFC822 では無かったりしますが、広義の RFC 822 世界でしょう。 CPIM なんかも。
ここでは、 X.400 みたいな非SMTPな世界とのメッセージ交換を扱います。
;; based on RFC 2156 Content-Language = "Content-Language" [FWS] ":" [CFWS] language * ([FWS] "," [FWS] language) language = 2*ALPHA ["(" language-description ")"] language-description = printable-string
;; based on RFC 2156 Importance = "Importance" [FWS] ":" [FWS] ("low" / "normal" / "high") Sensitivity = "Sensitivity" [FWS] ":" [FWS] ("Personal" / "Private" / "Company-Confidential") Message-Type = "Message-Type" [FWS] ":" [FWS] ("Delivery Report" / "InterPersonal Notification" / "Multiple Part") Autosubmitted = "Autosubmitted" [FWS] ":" [FWS] ( "not-auto-submitted" / "auto-generated" / "auto-replied" / "auto-forwarded") Autofowarded = "Autoforwarded" [FWS] ":" [FWS] ("TRUE" / "FALSE") Conversion = "Conversion" [FWS] ":" [FWS] prohibition Conversion-With-Loss = "Conversion-With-Loss" [FWS] ":" [FWS] prohibition prohibition = "Prohibited" / "Allowed" Priority = "Priority" [FWS] ":" [FWS] ("normal" / "non-urgent" / "urgent")
Incomplete-Copy = "Incomplete-Copy" [FWS] ":" [FWS] ;; 本体部分が無い。
Discarded-X400-IPMS-Extensions = "Discarded-X400-IPMS-Extensions" [FWS] ":" [FWS] object-identifier *([FWS] "," [FWS] object-identifier) ;; 変換不能 X.400 IPMS 拡張に使う。
XMTSI = "X400-MTS-Identifier" [FWS] ":" [FWS] mts-msg-id OEIT = "Original-Encoded-Information-Types" [FWS] ":" [FWS] encoded-info XCT = "X400-Content-Type" [FWS] ":" [FWS] mts-content-type XCID = "X400-Content-Identifier" [FWS] ":" [FWS] printablestring DLEH = "DL-Expansion-History" [FWS] ":" [FWS] mailbox ";" date-time ";" DXMTSX = "Discarded-X400-MTS-Extensions" [FWS] ":" [FWS] (object-identifier / labelled-integer) *([FWS] "," [FWS] (object-identifier / labelled-integer) )
mts-msg-id = "[" global-id ";" *text "]" global-id = 1*( "/" gid-attribute "=" std-printablestring ) "/" gid-attribute = standard-type / "RFC-822" / dd-key "." std-printablestring standard-type = key-string dd-key = key-string std-printablestring = *( std-char / std-pair ) std-char = DIGIT / ALPHA / " " / "'" / "+" / "," / "-" / "." / ":" / "?" / "(" / ")" / "{" / "}" / "*" std-pair = "$" ps-char
mts-content-type = "P2" / labelled-integer / object-identifier labelled-integer = [key-string] "(" *(DIGIT / SP) ")" key-string = *(DIGIT / ALPHA / "-") object-identifier = 1*( *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-") "(" *(DIGIT / SP) ")" )
X400-Received = "X400-Received" [FWS] ":" [FWS] x400-trace
x400-trace = "by" [ "mta" mta "in" ] global-id ";" [ "deferred until" date-time ";" ] [ "converted" "(" encoded-info ")" ";" ] [ "attempted" md-or-mta ";" ] action-list ";" date-time mta = word md-or-mta = "MD" global-id / "MTA" mta Action-list = action *([FWS] "," [FWS] action) action = "Redirected" / "Expanded" / "Relayed" / "Rerouted"
X400-Received: by /PRMD=UK.AC/ADMD=Gold 400/C=GB/ ; Relayed ; Tue, 20 Jun 89 19:25:11 +0100 X400-Received: by mta "UK.AC.UCL.CS" in /PRMD=UK.AC/ADMD=Gold 400/C=GB/ ; deferred until Tue, 20 Jun 89 14:24:22 +0100 ; converted (undefined, g3fax) ; attempted MD /ADMD=Foo/C=GB/ ; Relayed, Expanded, Redirected ; Tue, 20 Jun 89 19:25:11 +0100 Received: from isode.com by isode.com (MIXER Conversion following RFC 1327); Thu, 2 Jan 1997 14:46:03 +0000
Received: from mhs-relay.ac.uk by bells.cs.ucl.ac.uk via JANET with NIFTP id <7906-0@bells.cs.ucl.ac.uk>; Thu, 30 May 1991 18:24:55 +0100 X400-Received: by mta "mhs-relay.ac.uk" in /PRMD=uk.ac/ADMD= /C=gb/; Relayed; Thu, 30 May 1991 18:23:26 +0100 X400-Received: by /PRMD=HMG/ADMD=GOLD 400/C=GB/; Relayed; Thu, 30 May 1991 18:20:27 +0100 Message-Type: Multiple Part Date: Thu, 30 May 1991 18:20:27 +0100 X400-Originator: Stephen.Harrison@gosip-uk.hmg.gold-400.gb X400-MTS-Identifier: [/PRMD=HMG/ADMD=GOLD 400/C=GB/;PC1000-910530172027-57D8] Original-Encoded-Information-Types: ia5 X400-Content-Type: P2-1984 (2) X400-Content-Identifier: Email Problems From: Stephen.Harrison@gosip-uk.hmg.gold-400.gb (Tel +44 71 217 3487) Message-ID: <PC1000-910530172027-57D8*@MHS> To: Jim Craigie <NTIN36@gec-b.rutherford.ac.uk>, Tony Bates <tony@ean-relay.ac.uk>, Steve Kille <S.Kille@cs.ucl.ac.uk> Subject: Email Problems Sender: Stephen.Harrison@gosip-uk.hmg.gold-400.gb MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=boundary-1 --boundary-1 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Hope you gentlemen....... Regards, Stephen Harrison UK GOSIP Project --boundary-1 Content-Type: message/rfc822 From: Urs Eppenberger <Eppenberger@verw.switch.ch> Message-ID: <562*/S=Eppenberger/OU=verw/O=switch/PRMD=SWITCH/ADMD=ARCOM/C=CH/@MHS> To: "Stephen.Harrison" <Stephen.Harrison@gosip-uk.hmg.gold-400.gb> Cc: kimura@bsdarc.bsd.fc.nec.co.jp Subject: Response to Email link Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=boundary-2 --boundary-2 Dear Mr Harrison...... --boundary-2-- --boundary-1--
(RFC 2156 より)