


A built-in object is any object supplied by an ]ECMAScript implementation, independent of the host environment, which is present at the start of the execution of an ECMAScript program. Standard built-in objects are defined in this specification, and an ECMAScript implementation may specify and define others. Every built-in object is a native object.

ECMAScript Language Specification (HTML version) ( 版) <http://bclary.com/2004/11/07/#a-4.3.7>

[2] Clarify some of the ECMAScript conventions applied (domenic著, ) <https://github.com/whatwg/streams/commit/89d32e228eb9428ae6f82793c875b1123febfc92>

[3] Normative requirements for constructor names? · Issue #775 · whatwg/streams () <https://github.com/whatwg/streams/issues/775>

[4] Clarify some of the ECMAScript conventions applied by domenic · Pull Request #790 · whatwg/streams () <https://github.com/whatwg/streams/pull/790>