[1] Weblogs.com : API ( ( 版)) <http://www.weblogs.com/api.html>
[2] ブログ更新ping(weblogUpdates.ping)のxmlrpcの仕様 | infoScoop開発者ブログ ( 版) <http://www.infoscoop.org/blogjp/2014/05/03/spec-of-blog-updates-ping-xmlrpc/>
[3] weblogUpdates pingを受け付けているサーバー - Weblog - Hail2u.net ( 版) <http://hail2u.net/blog/blog/weblogupdates_ping_servers.html>
[4] Ping Submission API - Sindice ( 版) <http://sindice.com/developers/pingApi>
The Sindice RPC ping API is developed according to the specification of the Pingback mechanism. The RPC method name has been adjusted to fit the majority of software that have pingback support (such as blogging engines).
The XML-RPC endpoint: http://sindice.com/xmlrpc/api
Method name: weblogUpdates.ping
[5] weblogUpdates.ping の拡張メモ: blog.bulknews.net ( 版) <http://blog.bulknews.net/mt/archives/001197.html>
[6] YappoLogs: weblogUpdates.metapingを提唱してみるテスト ( 版) <http://blog.yappo.jp/yappo/archives/000048.html>
[7] Google Blog Search Help ( 版) <http://web.archive.org/web/20080215155609/http://www.google.com/help/blogsearch/pinging_API.html>
An XML-RPC client should construct requests with the following elements:
RPC endpoint: http://blogsearch.google.com/ping/RPC2
Method name: weblogUpdates.extendedPing
Parameters: (should be sent in the same order as listed below)
Name of site
URL of site
URL of the page to be checked for changes
URL of RSS, RDF, or Atom feed
Optional a name (or "tag") categorizing your site content. You may delimit multiple values by using the '|' character.
The XML-RPC response will contain a <struct> with two members:
flerror (Boolean) set to true/1 if an error occurred
message (string) containing either "Thanks for the ping." (if successful) or an error message (if unsuccesful).
[9] <http://www.google.co.jp/help/blogsearch/pinging_API.html> (当時)
は次のような application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[10] >>9 効果があるのかどうかはともかく現在も受け付けています。
なら成功しますが、 https:
だと 404
[8] ブログのPing送信にSEO効果はないと判断したので止めました:デジモノ備忘録 ( 版) <http://espa.hida-ch.com/e720521.html>
[11] ブログピープルの使い方 - BlogPeople ( ()) <http://www.blogpeople.net/howtouseblogpeople.html>
[12] 皆声.jp:ブログ検索/解析エンジン 皆声.jp Ping送信先URL ( ()) <http://ping.minakoe.jp/ping/>
[13] Meltwater IceRocket - Ping Us ( ()) <http://www.icerocket.com/c?p=ping&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbukkenfan.jp%2F>