[1] ( 版) http://www.page.sannet.ne.jp/t-hata/roki/cale/cale-com.htm
なおビクラム暦はネパールの公式の暦であり、実生活でも一般に広くいきわたっている暦であるため、日本語でネパール暦と呼ぶ例がみられるが、ネパール暦(नेपाल संवत्, Nepal Sambat)はビクラム暦とは別の暦で、新年が秋に来る太陰暦(太陽太陰暦)である。この暦は主にネワール族の間での使用に限られているので、暦名の用法に注意が必要である。
[3] ブータン - Wikipedia () https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%96%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BF%E3%83%B3
[4] Nepal Sambat - Wikipedia () https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nepal_Sambat
[5] ネパールの暦: suchowan's blog () https://suchowan.at.webry.info/201602/article_29.html
[6] () https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/gaiko/oda/data/zyoukyou/ngo_m/s_asia/nepal/pdfs/121130_06.pdf
[7] null, , https://web.archive.org/web/20010703041913/http://www.page.sannet.ne.jp/t-hata/roki/cale/cale-com.htm
Team Leader (Sagarmatha Expedition: Chief Survey Officer Mr. Khim Lal Gautam. (Field Season 2075/76)
[9] Height of Mt. Everest Measurement (, ) http://www.dos.gov.np/everest/index.html
1. Monumentation of all Gravity stations (155 stations) was completed in 2075/76
2. Gravity survey at 139 stations have been completed in 2075/76.
1. Datum station at Madaar of Siraha district was established in 2074/75 field season
2. Precise leveling from Indian datum has been conducted in this field season 2075/76 from the Indian side. The final result is expected to receive soon
8. MoU between Survey Department and Nepal Mountaineering Academy has been conducted on 24th January 2019 for the conduction of training to the surveyors who will be doing GNSS survey at the top of Everest. Selection process for the participants of training for expedition has been completed and the training is being conducted from 19th of Falgun 2019.
[12] Microsoft Word - mirchaiya - mirchaiya.pdf, , http://www.dos.gov.np/everest/downloads/mirchaiya.pdf
२०७४/९/२८, शुबवार
[13] ネパールの暦: suchowan's blog, https://suchowan.at.webry.info/201602/article_29.html
[16] ネパール - Wikipedia () https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%8D%E3%83%91%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB#.E6.9A.A6.E6.B3.95
[17] Vikram Samvat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia () https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vikram_Samvat
"Year" shall mean a year reckoned according to the Nepalese
Panchanga (Calendar) that is which starts from Sankrati (First day) of