

[1] Opera Reader: Paging the Web ( 版) <http://people.opera.com/howcome/2011/reader/#navigation>

The new at-rule – @-o-navigation – can look something like thhis:

@-o-navigation {

nav-up: -o-url-doc(/);

nav-down: url(a1.html);

nav-right: -o-link-rel(next);

nav-left: -o-go(back);


The four new properties are pretty self explanatory – nav-up is what you want to navigate to when the page is moved up, and so on. Let's now talk through the four different values that the properties can take:

-o-url-doc(path): The path specified is a relative path to the HTML document, for example / to go to the root document.

url(path): The path specified is a standard URL to a file, and can be of any type that url() normally accepts (for example in background-image: url();).

-o-link-rel(value): The value is a rel attribute value from a <link> element. For example, when you specify next, the browser looks for a <link> element in the <head>, and then takes its href value as the document to navigate to.

-o-go(value): in this case, the value can be forward or back – these instruct the browser to go forward or back in its history.