

[1] APIs.json ( 版) <http://apisjson.org/>

[2] APIs.json Format ( 版) <http://apisjson.org/format.html>

[3] apis-json/api-json ( 版) <https://github.com/apis-json/api-json>

[4] api-json/apisjson.txt at develop · apis-json/api-json ( 版) <https://github.com/apis-json/api-json/blob/develop/spec/apisjson.txt>

[5] api-json/apisjson.txt at develop · apis-json/api-json ( 版) <https://github.com/apis-json/api-json/blob/develop/spec/apisjson.txt>

The definitions of API Meta Data MUST be accessible by HTTP or HTTPS or Both from

either the site on which the referenced APIs are operating or another site (see below

for information on Authoritative and Non-Authoritative definitions) as a resource of

Internet Media Type as determined by the content type under

a standard relative path on the server: "/apis.*", where * is determined by the

content type of the file.

[6] api-json/apisjson.txt at develop · apis-json/api-json ( 版) <https://github.com/apis-json/api-json/blob/develop/spec/apisjson.txt>

It is intended that if there is sufficient traction, the media type "application/apis+json" will be

submitted to IANA as per RFC: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4288

[7] api-json/apisjson.txt at develop · apis-json/api-json ( 版) <https://github.com/apis-json/api-json/blob/develop/spec/apisjson.txt>

In order for a Web site to reference its API description, it is recommended that it includes a header or

in-line reference to the APIs.json resource using the api link relation, e.g.:

* <link rel="api" type="application/apis+json" href="https://example.com/apis.json" />

[8] Setting rel=api Into Motion With Latest APIs.json Release ( 版) <http://apisjson.org/2015/07/23/setting-relapi-into-motion-with-latest-apisjson-release/>

[9] ( 版) <http://apievangelist.com/>

<link rel="api" type="application/apis+json" href="https://kin-lane.github.io/master/apis.json" />