Examples of feature predicates are
blebber, !blebber, paper=a4, colordepth=5, blex!=54,
dpi=[300-599], colordepth=[24-]
As an example, with the feature set
{ ( "blex" , { } ),
( "colordepth" , { "5" } ),
( "UA-media" , { "stationary" } ),
( "paper" , { "A4", "A3" } ) ,
( "x-version" , { "104", "200" } )
the following predicates are true:
blex, colordepth=[4-], colordepth!=6, colordepth, !screenwidth, UA-
media=stationary, UA-media!=screen, paper=A4, paper =!A0,
colordepth=[ 4 - 6 ], x-version=[100-300], x-version=[200-300]
and the following predicates are false:
!blex, blebber, colordepth=6, colordepth=foo, !colordepth,
screenwidth, screenwidth=640, screenwidth!=640, x-version=99, UA-
media=screen, paper=A0, paper=a4, x-version=[100-199], wuxta