nosend 属性
一部のインプレッション タグには、nosend というパラメータが追加されている場合があります。この属性を 1 に設定する(nosend="1" のようにする)と、Outlook でメール メッセージに画像ファイルが埋め込まれないようになります。これにより、メール クライアントがメッセージを転送する場合に画像ファイルが確実に転送されます。
Secondly, there’s an old, undocumented attribute — nosend — that works in some cases to prevent images appearing as attachments. I’ve used this since 1999, and during the few occasions where I’ve removed it I’ve had increased reports from my clients of images being attached. I’ve never found any downside to it, and so continue to use it in every image reference as follows:
<img src="http://www.digitechbranding.com/SocialMedia/Twitter-21x17.gif" nosend="1" border="0" width="21" height="17" alt="Twitter">
IDEA shows it as non-html attribute and could be deleted.
After a bit of googling I figured out that that attribute is only used by MS Outlook.
As images can be a part of email message or regular hyperlink to an external image MA decides how to handle it.
When you are forwarding/replying to a message regular MA leaves it as is. When MS Outlook tries to rewrite them somehow, add as an attachment or a part of mail message. So it copies your images and rewrites URL, when probably you don't Outlook doing this. That's fucking strange, so generally speaking if you do not want to include images into the message (as a part of it) add attribute NOSEND="1", otherwise it will be bundled them as attachments to your forwarded/replied email message.
Inline images not attachments; when including an image in your signature, to prevent it from accidentally being seen as an attachment by Outlook, use the HTML attribute ‘nosend’. Ir’s an old an informal technique, so your mileage may vary, but it’s worth the extra few characters: <img src=”http://www.example.com/image.png” nosend=”1″ border=”0″>
Found via google:
"The NOSEND attribute will keep Outlook from embedding the file in the email message. This will ensure that the link is forwarded" (found after yahoo search for 'html nosend img')
NOSEND is also used by the WebTV tag DISPLAY "this tag won't let others send your e-mail or page" for similar purposes.