

[79] Safari 9.0 ( 版) <>

<link rel="icon" sizes="any" mask href="website_icon.svg">

[80] [whatwg] Apple's new <link rel="icon" mask> not-quite-favicon syntax causing problems in other browsers; needs standardization? (Daniel Holbert 著, 版) <>

[87] ( 版) <>

<meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="//"/>

<meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#00aced"/>

<link rel="icon" sizes="any" mask href="">

<meta name="theme-color" content="#55acee">

<link href="//" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon">

[88] Safari 9.0 ( 版) <>

Note: This markup should be placed before other <link rel="icon"> elements to avoid compatibility issues with existing icons.

[89] Re: [whatwg] A mask="" advisory flag for <link rel=icon> (Maciej Stachowiak 著, 版) <>

[90] Re: [whatwg] A mask="" advisory flag for <link rel=icon> (Maciej Stachowiak 著, 版) <>

[93] Safari 9.0 ( 版) <>

inned sites allow your users to keep their favorite websites open, running, and easily accessible.

You can set the pinned tab icon for your site by providing a vector image. Use an SVG image with a transparent background and 100% black for all vectors. Add the following markup to all your pinnable webpages, replacing "website_icon" with your own file's name:

<link rel="mask-icon" href="website_icon.svg" color="red">

In the example, the color attribute sets the display color of the image. That attribute can specify a single color with a hexadecimal value (#990000), an RGB value (rgb(153, 0, 0)), or a recognized color-keyword, such as: red, lime, or navy.

[104] ( ()) <>

<link rel="mask-icon" href="" color="#171717">

[1] Allow <link rel=mask-icon color> (XhmikosR著, ) <>

[2] Fix incorrect value space for <link>'s color="" attribute (domenic著, ) <>