

[1] View Processors ( ()) <>


The data-ad-outlet HTML attribute provides an element’s view controller with a reference to the element. All of a view controller’s outlets are accessible from the view controller’s outlets property. For example, the div element in the example below is accessible from outlets.myDiv.


<div data-ad-outlet="myDiv"></div>


Available in iAd JS 1.1 and later.


The data-ad-action HTML attribute registers a callback with an element’s view controller. User interaction with the element automatically triggers the callback. The view controller simply needs to the implement the callback. For example, the div element in the example below registers the performAction callback with its view controller.

You should not register a callback to handle transitions to other view controllers; use the data-ad-transitions-to HTML attribute instead.


<div data-ad-outlet="performAction"></div>


Available in iAd JS 1.1 and later.


The data-ad-transitions-to HTML attribute sets up a transition to another view controller that occurs when a user interacts with an element. The value you provide is the value of the view controller’s id property. For example, the div element in the example below sets up a transition to the map view controller.


<div data-ad-transitions-to="map"></div>


Available in iAd JS 1.1 and later.

[2] iAd JS Declarative Classes ( ()) <>

[3] Playing Videos ( ()) <>

<!-- A simple video element. We want to show the default controls and

want the video to begin playback inline (rather than fullscreen).

We also attach an ad-outlet so that we can easily reference this

element from the View Controller code -->

<video src="assets/launch.m4v" controls webkit-playsinline ad-outlet="video"></video>

[4] Videos and videospheres don't work on mobile · Issue #316 · aframevr/aframe ( ()) <>


<a-videosphere src="draft3.mp4" controls webkit-playsinline ad-outlet="video" autoplay="true" loop="true" rotation="0 180 0"></a-videosphere>


[5] Adobe Community : All Content - Edge Animate CC ( ()) <>

<video width="320" height="240" controls webkit-playsinline ad-outlet="video">

  <source src="media/video.mp4" type="video/mp4">

  Your browser does not support HTML 5.


[6] Zeusbase/Videos.html at master · ZeusFramework/Zeusbase ( ()) <>

<div id="Videos" class="Videos iap-view-controller ">

<div ad-focused-index="3" ad-side-padding="200px" ad-focused-z-offset="0" ad-side-z-offset="-300" ad-cell-gap="200px" ad-cell-rotation="80" ad-priority-ordering="false" ad-outlet="videosFlowView" class="ad-flow-view" id="Videos-videosFlowView"><div ad-outlet="cell1" class="ad-view" id="Videos-cell1"><div ad-plays-inline="false" ad-outlet="video1" ad-asset-droppable="true" ad-has-hidpi-version="true" class="ad-video-player" id="Videos-video1"></div></div><div ad-outlet="cell2" class="ad-view" id="Videos-cell2"><div ad-plays-inline="false" ad-outlet="video2" ad-asset-droppable="true" ad-has-hidpi-version="true" class="ad-video-player" id="Videos-video2"></div></div><div ad-outlet="cell3" class="ad-view" id="Videos-cell3"><div ad-plays-inline="false" ad-outlet="video3" ad-asset-droppable="true" ad-has-hidpi-version="true" class="ad-video-player" id="Videos-video3"></div></div><div ad-outlet="cell4" class="ad-view" id="Videos-cell4"><div ad-plays-inline="false" ad-outlet="video4" ad-asset-droppable="true" ad-has-hidpi-version="true" class="ad-video-player" id="Videos-video4"></div></div><div ad-outlet="cell5" class="ad-view" id="Videos-cell5"><div ad-plays-inline="false" ad-outlet="video5" ad-asset-droppable="true" ad-has-hidpi-version="true" class="ad-video-player" id="Videos-video5"></div></div><div ad-outlet="cell6" class="ad-view" id="Videos-cell6"><div ad-plays-inline="false" ad-outlet="video6" ad-asset-droppable="true" ad-has-hidpi-version="true" class="ad-video-player" id="Videos-video6"></div></div><div ad-outlet="cell7" class="ad-view" id="Videos-cell7"><div ad-plays-inline="false" ad-outlet="video7" ad-asset-droppable="true" ad-has-hidpi-version="true" class="ad-video-player" id="Videos-video7"></div></div></div><div ad-text="Videos

" ad-number-of-lines="0" ad-outlet="videosLabel" ad-clips-to-bounds="true" class="ad-label" id="Videos-videosLabel"></div><div ad-view-controller-id="Menu" ad-repositions-subviews="1" ad-outlet="menuSharedLayer" ad-clips-to-bounds="false" class="iap-shared-view" id="Videos-menuSharedLayer"></div>
