RFC 7328

RFC 7328

[13] RFC 7328 - Writing I-Ds and RFCs Using Pandoc and a Bit of XM ( ( 版)) <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7328>

[1] miekg/pandoc2rfc: Use pandoc to create XML suitable for xml2rfc () <https://github.com/miekg/pandoc2rfc/>

[2] miekg/pandoc2rfc: Use pandoc to create XML suitable for xml2rfc () <https://github.com/miekg/pandoc2rfc/>

Note that I consider mmark the logical successor of Pandoc2rfc. Pandoc2rfc can't output XML2RFC v3 XML, so when the IETF switches over to that format, you'll need something else.