Lotus Multi Byte Character Set


[1] LMBCS - Notes サポートのつぶやき (Notes/Domino サポートチーム 著, 版) http://hnagasim.blog8.fc2.com/blog-entry-81.html

[2] LotusNotes - LMBCS(Lotus Multi-Byte Character Set) - Qiita ( 版) http://qiita.com/disapalt/items/891f8947b0c586e8c477

[3] ソフトウェア開発裏話: 日本語ユーザ名 ( 版) http://kjackt.blogspot.jp/2009/09/blog-post.html

[4] Guida di Lotus Domino Designer 8.5 - Nomi dei set di caratteri MIME ( 版) http://web.orchideaviaggi.it/help/help85_designer.nsf/b3266a3c17f9bb7085256b870069c0a9/ad83ed82ff6f9c64c1257633007f568e?OpenDocument

This chapter lists the acceptable MIME charset values for the Charset parameter of the Open statement.

LMBCS Lotus Multi Byte Character Set.

[5] LMBCS Code Chart ( 版) http://web.archive.org/web/20040211082006/http://www.batutis.com/i18n/papers/lmbcs/