[1] () <http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=>

LDC messages have been defined that communicate time-of-day,

leap second information, differential corrections and LORAN-C network health and status information to

users [8]. Time-of-day is calculated by propagating a count of LORAN message repetition intervals (MRI)

that have occurred since the LORAN-C epoch (January 1, 1958) and applying the leap second information.

The MRI count and the leap second information are provided in the time message via the LDC.

[2] () <https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19940026139.pdf>

s. The epoch for steering and time

of coincidence (TOC) for the Loran-C chains had been previously defined to occur at 00hrs

00min 00sees on January 1, 1958[Sl.