[1] ISO 8601:2004 の日時表現の構文 + ISO 8601:2000 にあって 2004年版で削除された構文 + JIS X 0301 で追加されている構文を ABNF で表したものです。
[2] >>1 の各仕様によって認められる値は date-time-representation
ABNF で表現できない/していない制約があるので、一致するからといって適合するとは限りません。
date-time-representation = date / local-time / utc-time / time-with-offset / date-time / interval / recursing-interval date = calendar-date / ordinal-date / week-date / jp-date calendar-date = year opt-hyphen month opt-hyphen day / year opt-hyphen month / year / century / obs-calendar-date obs-calendar-date = century-year opt-hyphen month opt-hyphen day / prefix-hyphen century-year opt-hyphen month / prefix-hyphen century-year / prefix-hyphen prefix-hyphen month opt-hyphen day / prefix-hyphen prefix-hyphen prefix-hyphen day ordinal-date = year opt-hyphen ordinal-day / obs-ordinal-date obs-ordinal-date = century-year opt-hyphen ordinal-day / prefix-hyphen ordinal-day week-date = year opt-hyphen week opt-hyphen week-day / year opt-hyphen week / obs-week-date obs-week-date = century-year opt-hyphen week opt-hyphen week-day / century-year opt-hyphen week / prefix-hyphen decard-year opt-hyphen week opt-hyphen week-day / prefix-hyphen decard-year opt-hyphen week / prefix-hyphen week opt-hyphen week-day / prefix-hyphen week / prefix-hyphen W prefix-hyphen week-day jp-date = opt-gengou jp-year dot month dot day time = hms / obs-time obs-time = prefix-hyphen minute opt-colon second [fraction] / prefix-hyphen minute [fraction] / prefix-hyphen prefix-hyphen second [fraction] hms = hour opt-colon minute opt-colon second [fraction] / hour opt-colon minute [fraction] / hour [fraction] local-time = [T] time utc-time = time Z time-with-offset = time offset offset = sign hour opt-colon minute / sign hour zone = [Z / offset] date-time = year opt-hyphen month opt-hyphen day opt-T hms zone / year opt-hyphen ordinal-day opt-T hms zone year = 4DIGIT / sign 4*DIGIT century = 2DIGIT / sign 2*DIGIT century-year = 2DIGIT decard-year = DIGIT jp-year = 2DIGIT month = 2DIGIT ;; 01-12 day = 2DIGIT ;; 01-days of month ordinal-day = 3DIGIT ;; 001-days of year week = W 2DIGIT ;; 01-weeks of year week-day = DIGIT ;; 1-7 hour = 2DIGIT ;; 00-24 minute = 2DIGIT ;; 00-59 second = 2DIGIT ;; 00-60 fraction = decimal 1*DIGIT opt-hyphen = [hyphen] prefix-hyphen = [hyphen] opt-gengou = [gengou] opt-colon = [colon] opt-T = [T] duration = P n W / P [n Y] [n M] [n D] [T [n H] [n M] [n S]] / duration-alt duration-alt = P duration-year opt-hyphen duration-month opt-hyphen duration-day [duration-alt-time] / P duration-year opt-hyphen duration-month / P duration-year opt-hyphen duration-ordial-day [duration-alt-time] / P duration-year duration-alt-time = opt-T duration-hour opt-colon duration-minute opt-colon duration-second [fraction] / opt-T duration-hour opt-colon duration-minute [fraction] / opt-T duration-hour [fraction] n = 1*DIGIT [fraction] duration-year = 4DIGIT / sign 4*DIGIT duration-month = 2DIGIT ;; 00-11 duration-day = 2DIGIT ;; 00-29 duration-ordinal-day = 3DIGIT ;; 000-355 duration-hour = 2DIGIT ;; 00-23 duration-minute = 2DIGIT ;; 00-59 duration-second = 2DIGIT ;; 00-59 interval = interval-start-end / interval-duration / interval-start-duration / interval-duration-end interval-start-end = date-time slash end-date-time interval-duration = duration interval-start-duration = date-time slash duration interval-duration-end = duration slash date-time end-date-time = date-time / month opt-hyphen day opt-T hms zone / day opt-T hms zone / ordinal-day opt-T hms zone / opt-T hms zone recurring-interval = R [n] slash interval sign = "+" / minus minus = "-" / <MINUS SIGN> hyphen = "-" / <HYPHEN> dot = "." colon = ":" decimal = "." / "," slash = "/" / <DOUBLE HYPHEN> D = "D" H = "H" M = "M" P = "P" R = "R" S = "S" W = "W" T = "T" Y = "Y" Z = "Z" gengou = "H" / "S" / "T" / "M" / "平" / "昭" / "大" / "明"