IDN-enabled TLDs

IDN-enabled TLDs


  1. 仕様書
  2. 一覧
  3. 歴史



[7] >>3Gecko に含まれる大元の定義ファイルです。

[6] >>4,>>5JSON 形式の一覧データファイルがあります。


[1] IDN-enabled TLDs — Mozilla ( 版) <>

This document is of historical interest only. Firefox now uses an algorithm to decide which IDNs to display. The whitelist mechanism still remains in the product for backwards compatibility, but the whitelist of domains is no longer updated.

[8] IDN-enabled TLDs (2008-03-18 16:36:38 +09:00 版) <>

[65] Network.IDN.whitelist.* - MozillaZine Knowledge Base ( ( 版)) <*>

[66] mozilla-central mozilla/modules/libpref/src/init/all.js ( ( 版)) <>

[72] IDN-enabled TLDs — Mozilla ( ( 版)) <>

[2] Opera Software ( 版) <>

Opera has added a whitelist of top-level domains that aretrusted to enforce a safe policy on domain names. Severaltop-level registrars have strict rules for domain names.Opera for Windows, Mac and UNIX will check for an updatedlist of trusted TLDs on a regular basis. Opera now only accepts Latin 1 characters in domain namesfrom top-level domains that are not on the whitelist. Thiscovers Western European languages without introducing anyconvincing homographs.


Top-level domain registrars who have enforced strict domainname policies are encouraged to contact Opera Softwareto be included in the browser's whitelist, provided thattheir policies are approved.