Dump (mostly HTML related) - Anne’s Weblog (2007-09-06 07:48:10 +09:00
版) <http://annevankesteren.nl/2007/09/dump>
Dump (mostly HTML related) - Anne’s Weblog (2007-09-06 07:48:10 +09:00
版) <http://annevankesteren.nl/2007/09/dump>
Hixie's Natural Log: Fire, a two-hour weekend, accessibility, and other rants (2007-09-07 22:50:28 +09:00
版) <http://ln.hixie.ch/?start=1188895731&count=1>
What Web Standards Crisis? | The Elementary Standards (Sean Fraser 著, 2007-09-19 00:05:36 +09:00
版) <http://www.elementary-group-standards.com/web-standards/what-web-standards-crisis.html>
(名無しさん 2007-09-21 06:39:37 +00:00)
WDS07: Workshop Day Two at Mad Web Skills - Web design in Melbourne and Shepparton (2007-09-27 09:36:48 +09:00
版) <http://www.madwebskills.net/2007/09/26/wds07-workshop-day-two/>
[6] HTML5 <http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/hp/1189817507/> (名無しさん)