Andy Budd::Blogography: HTML 4.5 Anyone? (2007-02-02 09:38:46 +09:00
版) <http://www.andybudd.com/archives/2007/01/html_45_anyone/index.php>
(名無しさん 2007-02-02 00:47:04 +00:00)
html5.ca (2007-02-18 13:25:57 +09:00
版) <http://html5.ca/>
(名無しさん 2007-02-18 04:29:52 +00:00)
Conversation With X/HTML 5 Team (2007-02-24 01:06:33 +09:00
版) <http://xhtml.com/en/future/conversation-with-x-html-5-team/>
(名無しさん 2007-02-23 16:17:08 +00:00)
The Philosophy of HTML 5 as Explained by Ian Hickson | The Elementary Standards (Sean Fraser 著, 2007-02-22 10:18:19 +09:00
版) <http://www.elementary-group-standards.com/web-standards/html5-philosophy-explained.html>
>>58 (名無しさん 2007-02-23 17:13:04 +00:00)
The Future of HTML Presentation Slides - Lachy’s Log (2007-02-27 08:09:08 +09:00
版) <http://lachy.id.au/log/2007/02/future-of-html-slides>
(名無しさん 2007-02-26 23:14:26 +00:00)