[1] The AXR Specification ( (Miro Keller, Marc G. 著, 版)) <http://spec.axr.vg/specification.html>
[2] AXR Project ( ( 版)) <http://axrproject.org/>
[3] The AXR Specification ( (Miro Keller, Marc G. 著, 版)) <http://spec.axrproject.org/>
[4] The AXR Specification ( (Miro Keller, Marc G.著, )) <http://spec.axrproject.org/>
HSS stands for Hierarchical Style Sheets and it is the language used to instruct the AXR renderer how the various elements in the document should look like, how they are laid out and, to some extent, how they behave. The syntax of this language is inspired by CSS, but extending and altering it in various ways, to achieve powerful new ways of creating a web document. Therefore, HSS is not compatible with existing CSS files.