Facebook App Links

App Links (Facebook)

[1] App Links - Cross-platform, open source, and simple mobile deep-linking ( 版) http://applinks.org/

[2] An Industry Standard for Linking on Mobile ( 版) https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2014/04/30/app-links

[3] Docs – App Links ( 版) http://applinks.org/documentation/

[4] FAQs – App Links ( 版) http://applinks.org/faqs/

What is the purpose of AppLinks.org?

Right now, linking on mobile is a lot more frustrating and complicated than it is on the web. There isn’t an easy, consistent way to control what happens when someone clicks on your content in mobile, which makes it difficult to provide the best experience for your users. It’s also hard to find out when—and how—to send people out of your app and directly into another.

[8] OGP も参照。

[5] App Links () https://developers.facebook.com/docs/applinks

[6] >>1 はなくなって >>5リダイレクトされます。

[7] Facebookアプリでも使えなくなった場面が多くて、フェードアウトっぽい感じですね。

[9] Android にも Android App Links がありますが別物です。