Common Markdown

Common Markdown

[8] CommonMark は、数ある Markdown方言の1つです。

[9] 多くの方言のベースとなるものとして有望視されているようです。

[3] karlcow/markdown-testsuite · GitHub ( 版)

This project was initiated to provide a test suite for Markdown markup, and eventually create a specification from this test results. A part of of the community has started a new endeavor which seems to get traction as CommonMark. We are then closing this project and encourage you to contribute to CommonMark.

[4] kneufeld/consolemd: render markdown to the console (not just highlight it) ()

Because pygments highlights the markdown but doesn't strip out the control characters. Also, ConsoleMD uses CommonMark to parse the markdown instead of the lousy one in pygments (I'm allowed to say that since I'm the guy that wrote it).

[5] CommonMarkの現状 2017年4月版 - Islands in the byte stream ()

[6] CommonMark v0.28 のイマイチなところ - Islands in the byte stream ()

[7] github/cmark: GitHub's fork of cmark, a CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C ()

cmark-gfm is an extended version of the C reference implementation of CommonMark, a rationalized version of Markdown syntax with a spec. This repository adds GitHub Flavored Markdown extensions to the upstream implementation, as defined in the spec.

[10] CommonMark Spec ()

[11] MarkdownとCommonMarkの主なレンダリングの違いは何ですか? | Apiaryヘルプ ()

[12] 文脈: Data Package