

[1] Comet (programming) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( 版) <>

[2] Comet - Wikipedia ( ( 版)) <>

[3] COMET Streaming in Internet Explorer - IEInternals - Site Home - MSDN Blogs ( 版) <>

[4] StreamHub - About Reverse Ajax ( 版) <>

Reverse Ajax is another term (or synonym) for the concept known as Comet. It uses long-lived HTTP connections to enable two-way communication between a web server and a browser. It is becoming a more popular term to describe the concept and has been used in the titles of several books.

[5] StreamHub - About Ajax Push ( 版) <>

Ajax Push is another term (or synonym) for the concept known as Comet. It enables asynchronous, web-based push to browser applications. Whereas Comet does not necessarily require an AJAX-enabled client on the other end, for example it could push to Java or .NET clients, Ajax Push refers specifically to data pushed to Ajax clients.