[11] Chromium を利用した製品については、 Blink を参照 (WebKit 時代のものは WebKit 参照)。
[1] 炭坑の庭師 - steps to phantasien (Hajime Morrita 著, 版) <http://steps.dodgson.org/b/2012/05/20/gardening-with-canaries/>
[2] Jun Mukai's blog: chromiumの継続的インテグレーション ( ( 版)) <http://blog.jmuk.org/2012/08/chromium.html>
[3] Debian -- squeeze の chromium-browser パッケージに関する詳細 ( (Debian ウェブマスター, webmaster@debian.org 著, 版)) <http://packages.debian.org/ja/squeeze/chromium-browser>
[4] チェンジセット 147712 – WebKit ( ( 版)) <http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/147712>
[5] Peter Beverloo ( ( 版)) <http://peter.sh/>
[6] Chromium/Chrome does not work in an OpenVZ container · Issue #938 · travis-ci/travis-ci ( ( 版)) <https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/938>
[7] Issue 31077 - chromium - Doesn't start and only prints "Failed to move to new PID namespace: Operation not permitted" - An open-source project to help move the web forward. - Google Project Hosting ( ( 版)) <https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=31077>
[8] Translations : Chromium Browser ( 版) <https://translations.launchpad.net/chromium-browser>
[9] GoogleChrome/chromium-dashboard ( 版) <https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chromium-dashboard>