Abbreviated RDF/XML

Abbreviated RDF/XML

[1] PubChemRDF Release Notes () <>

Abbreviated RDF/XML



[2] Bug 392325 – StackOverflowException in abbreviated RDF XML writer when associating project area from RTC () <>

[3] [CITE@en_US[OSLCCoreSpecAppendixRepresentations < Main < TWiki]] () <>

In this section we offer instructions for creating an XML representation for OSLC Defined Resources. The resultant XML representations are designed to validate as RDF/XML and therefore are often referred to as "constrained RDF/XML" or "abbreviated RDF/XML" representations, however the main intent of these instructions is to document a specific XML representation format for use in scenarios where a more unfettered RDF/XML representation or use of RDF/XML toolkits is not appropriate or preferred. OSLC domain specifications SHOULD refer to these instructions when requiring application/xml representations.

XML representations returned by OSLC Defined Resources SHOULD be:

Returned when these content types requested: application/xml

Returned as content-type: application/xml

[4] Raptor RDF Syntax Library () <>

A second serializer is provided using several of the RDF/XML abbreviations to provide a more compact readable format, at the cost of some pre-processing. This is suitable for small documents.

[5] ConverterFromRdf - W3C Wiki () <>

Raptor (part of Redland framework) can serialise to the following:

N-Triples, RDF/XML, RDF/XML (Abbreviated), RDF/XML (XMP Profile), Turtle

[6] Frequently Asked Questions about using RDFLib — rdflib 4.2.2-dev documentation () <>

How can I use some of the abbreviated RDF/XML syntax?

Use the “pretty-xml” format argument to the serialize method:

myGraph.serialize(target_pretty, format="pretty-xml")

[7] RDF::Helper - () <>

Serializes the back-end RDF model to a string, using the specified format type, or defaulting to abbreviated RDF/XML.

[8] PublishingRdfVocabularies < LinkedData < TWiki () <>

Transform the RDF to HTML, e.g. for the Reporting Data Dictionary, this is done in two steps. First, the Turtle file is converted using Jena to dd-vocabulary.rdf which contains non-abbreviated RDF/XML. Second, the RDF/XML is converted using XSLT to the HTML file dd-vocabulary.html. See below for an Ant script and XSLT file to automate this process.

[9] IBM Knowledge Center - Updating Service Provider records URLs in batch () <>

Set the Accept HTTP header to define the media type in which you want to get the resource representation. Possible values for the media types are as follows:

application/xml to get an abbreviated RDF/XML representation of the resource.

application/rdf+xml to get an expanded RDF/XML representation of the resource.

If you do not specify this header, you get a resource represented in abbreviated RDF/XML format by default.