

[3] 色差 - Wikipedia, , https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%89%B2%E5%B7%AE

[2] 新しい色差式(CIE DE2000)について。-楽しく学べる知恵袋 | コニカミノルタ, https://www.konicaminolta.jp/instruments/knowledge/color/section2/06.html

[1] 知覚を考慮した色差 CIEDE2000 とその実装 - yuki-koyama's blog, https://yuki-koyama.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/05/04/135347

[7] GitHub - hamada147/IsThisColourSimilar: Javascript implementation of CIE Delta E 2000 Color-Difference algorithm (CIEDE2000) as per the equation provided on this website http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_DeltaE_CIE2000.html, https://github.com/hamada147/IsThisColourSimilar

[6] GitHub - markusn/color-diff: Implemets the CIEDE2000 color difference algorithm, conversion between RGB and lab color and mapping all colors in palette X to the closest color in palette Y based on the CIEDE2000 difference., https://github.com/markusn/color-diff