
App Links (Google)

[1] App Links | Android Developers ( 版) http://developer.android.com/preview/features/app-linking.html

Website owners must declare associations with apps to establish an app link. The site owner declares the relationship to an app by hosting a JSON file, named statements.json, at the well-known location on the domain:

http://<domain>:<optional port>/.well-known/statements.json

Note: During the M Developer Preview period, the JSON file is verified via http protocol. For the official release of the platform, the file is verified over encrypted, https protocol.

[2] Re: Request for well-known URI: associations.json ( 版) http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/wellknown-uri-review/current/msg00108.html

[3] Re: Request for well-known URI: associations.json ( 版) http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/wellknown-uri-review/current/msg00111.html

[4] ( 版) http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/wellknown-uri-review/current/pdfNXPMO_Oa87.pdf

[5] Re: Request for well-known URI: associations.json ( 版) http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/wellknown-uri-review/current/msg00116.html

after conferring with the team, we would like to request "assetlinks.json".  Thanks for bearing with us while we make up our minds.

[6] digitalassetlinks/details.md at master · google/digitalassetlinks () https://github.com/google/digitalassetlinks/blob/master/well-known/details.md

[7] digitalassetlinks/specification.md at master · google/digitalassetlinks () https://github.com/google/digitalassetlinks/blob/master/well-known/specification.md

[8] google/digitalassetlinks () https://github.com/google/digitalassetlinks

[9] Using Digital Asset Links  |  Google Digital Asset Links  |  Google Developers () https://developers.google.com/digital-asset-links/v1/using

[10] Enable automatic sign-in across apps and websites  |  Smart Lock for Passwords on Android  |  Google Developers () https://developers.google.com/identity/smartlock-passwords/android/associate-apps-and-sites

[11] Detect if your Native app is installed from your web site  |  Web  |  Google Developers () https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/04/getinstalledrelatedapps

[12] Trusted Web activity

[13] Android アプリリンクの処理  |  Android Developers (, ) https://developer.android.com/training/app-links?hl=ja

[14] ディープリンク

[15] iOS には Universal Links があります。

[16] Facebook App Links とは違います。

[17] Android アプリとウェブサイト間でのシームレスな認証情報共有を設定 | Credential Management | Google for Developers, , https://developers.google.com/identity/credential-sharing/set-up?hl=ja