
DOMTokenList インターフェイス replace メソッド (DOM)

[8] Fix #28: introduce DOMTokenList's replace() · whatwg/dom@f7dfc82 ( 版) <>

[9] Fix #129: error in replace algorithm · whatwg/dom@cfaf3fa ( 版) <>

[10] Close #138: fix a typo in the replace algorithm · whatwg/dom@9c26c6d ( 版) <>

[1] Make set replacement more limited in scope (annevk著, ) <>

[2] Change DOMTokenList's replace() to return a boolean (Zirro著, ) <>

[4] Return value for DOMTokenList's replace() · Issue #577 · whatwg/dom () <>

[3] Change DOMTokenList's replace() to return boolean by Zirro · Pull Request #582 · whatwg/dom () <>