tab 要素 (HTML)

[1] 例:

A <em>telnet</em> URL generally results in Lynx spawning a telnet
session. Lynx implements the complete telnet URL scheme, i.e.:<BR>
<tab indent="12"><em>telnet://user:password@host:port</em>

出典: URL Schemes Supported in Lynx http://leb.net/blinux/blynx/lynx_url_support.html

(名無しさん [sage])

[2] Lynx Users Guide v2.7.1 http://leb.net/blinux/blynx/Lynx_users_guide.html#21

Lynxの実装についての手引き。 (名無しさん [sage])

[3] HTML Extensions Summary--Netscape ( 版) http://www.december.com/html/spec/mozilla.html

ここでは tabNetscape 拡張とされています。が、 tabNetscape Navigator で実装されたことなどあったでしょうか?

[122] Text properties in CSS, Bert Bos, 10 July 1995, , https://www.w3.org/People/Bos/Stylesheets/textfont.html

Underlines, overlines and strike-through lines are applied to letters and also to spaces between words, even when those spaces are stretched as a result of line justification. Spaces that are the result of tabs (<TAB> in HTML) do not get lines. The visually best position of the lines can often be found in the meta-information of a font. If the font has no such parameters, the application should use some heuristics.

[4] これらとは別に、 tabset と併用する UIタブを表す要素として提案されたこともありました。