

Associated with (no title)
Disassociated from xhtml
Associated with 東洋式日時表示
Disassociated from (no title)
Associated with 東洋の日時表示
Associated with 聖曆
Associated with 聖暦
Associated with 紀年銘の記載形式に就いて
Associated with 紀年銘の記載形式に就いて ――特に『造󠄃像銘記』を主材として――
Associated with 紀年銘の記載形式に就いて: 特に『造像銘記』を主材として
Associated with 紀年銘の記載形式に就いて ――特に『造像銘記』を主材として――
Associated with 干支年斜め書き
Associated with 干支斜め書き
Associated with 書字方向「小」
Associated with 割書
Associated with 第何年
Disassociated from 聖曆
Disassociated from 聖暦
Associated with 年の字
Associated with 紀年銘の記載形式に就いて ⸺特に『造󠄃像銘記』を主材として⸺
Associated with 紀年銘の記載形式に就いて ⸺特に『造像銘記』を主材として⸺
Disassociated from 年の字
Associated with 東洋の日時形式