

Associated with 年号
Associated with 日本の元号
Associated with 日本の元号 (645年~)
Associated with 日本の元号 (645年〜)
Associated with 日本の年号
Associated with 日本の元号//645年〜
Associated with 日本の元号(900年〜)
Associated with 日本の元号 (900年~)
Associated with 日本の元号 (900年〜)
Associated with 日本の元号//900年〜
Associated with 日本の元号 (幕末〜)
Associated with 日本の元号//幕末〜
Associated with 日本の元号 (幕末~)
Associated with 日本の元号(幕末〜)
Associated with 日本の元号//南北朝
Associated with 日本の年号(南北朝)
Associated with 倭国年号
Associated with 九州年号
Associated with 日本の私年号
Associated with 逸年号
Associated with 私年号
Associated with 元号法
Associated with 改元
Associated with 改元日
Associated with 元年
Associated with 邦暦
Associated with 和暦
Associated with era
Associated with finite era
Associated with era name
Associated with finite era name
Associated with regnal year
Associated with 立年改元
Associated with 異年号
Associated with 公年号
Associated with 琉球の元号
Associated with 琉球の年号
Associated with 元号//満州国
Associated with 満州国の元号
Associated with 満洲国の元号
Associated with 朝鮮の元号
Associated with 元号//朝鮮半島
Associated with 朝鮮半島の元号
Associated with ベトナムの元号
Associated with 越南の元号
Associated with japanese
Associated with ja-JP-u-ca-japanese
Associated with 台湾の元号
Associated with 中国の元号
Associated with 支那の元号
Disassociated from 和暦
Disassociated from 邦暦
Associated with 邦暦
Associated with 和暦
Associated with 百済年号
Disassociated from 和暦
Disassociated from 邦暦
Associated with チベットの元号
Disassociated from 改元日
Disassociated from 改元
Disassociated from 立年改元
Disassociated from 朝鮮半島の元号
Disassociated from 朝鮮の元号
Disassociated from 琉球の元号
Disassociated from 琉球の年号
Associated with jpanyear
Associated with 元号年
Disassociated from 元年
Disassociated from 元号法
Associated with gengo
Associated with gengo name
Disassociated from japanese
Disassociated from ja-JP-u-ca-japanese
Disassociated from 元号年
Disassociated from jpanyear
Disassociated from regnal year
Associated with 滿洲の元号
Associated with 滿洲國臨時政府の元号
Associated with 元号の読み方
Disassociated from 日本の元号
Disassociated from 日本の元号 (幕末~)
Disassociated from 日本の元号//900年〜
Disassociated from 百済年号
Disassociated from 日本の元号//幕末〜
Disassociated from 日本の元号 (900年〜)
Disassociated from 日本の元号 (幕末〜)
Disassociated from 日本の元号 (645年〜)
Disassociated from 日本の年号
Disassociated from 九州年号
Disassociated from 日本の元号 (900年~)
Disassociated from 日本の元号(幕末〜)
Disassociated from 日本の私年号
Disassociated from 日本の元号//南北朝
Disassociated from 日本の元号(900年〜)
Disassociated from 倭国年号
Disassociated from 逸年号
Disassociated from 日本の元号 (645年~)
Disassociated from 日本の年号(南北朝)
Disassociated from 日本の元号//645年〜
Associated with 満州の元号
Associated with 支那王朝の元号
Disassociated from 満州国の元号
Disassociated from 元号//満州国
Disassociated from 滿洲の元号
Disassociated from 満州の元号
Disassociated from 満洲国の元号
Disassociated from 滿洲國臨時政府の元号
Associated with 支那の私年号
Disassociated from 元号//朝鮮半島
Disassociated from 異年号
Disassociated from 私年号
Disassociated from 公年号
Disassociated from 支那王朝の元号
Disassociated from 支那の元号
Disassociated from 支那の私年号
Disassociated from 中国の元号
Disassociated from 元号の読み方
Disassociated from gengo name
Disassociated from era name
Disassociated from finite era name
Associated with 元号研究
Associated with 元号紀年法
Associated with 越南の私年号
Associated with 越南の紀年法
Disassociated from 越南の私年号
Disassociated from 越南の紀年法
Disassociated from ベトナムの元号
Disassociated from 越南の元号
Associated with 改元制
Disassociated from チベットの元号
Disassociated from 台湾の元号
Associated with 年号制
Associated with 年号制度
Associated with 年号紀年
Associated with 元号暦
Associated with 元号制度
Associated with niên hiệu chữ Hán
Associated with 漢字年号
Associated with 建號
Disassociated from 建號
Associated with 元号研究者
Associated with 元号と年号
Associated with 年号と元号
Associated with 元号制