

Associated with cmap
Associated with cmap (TrueType)
Associated with cmap (OpenType)
Associated with format
Associated with CMAP
Associated with OpenTypeにおける文字コード
Associated with TrueTypeにおける文字コード
Associated with platformID
Associated with encodingID
Associated with CMap
Associated with encoding records
Associated with encoding
Associated with EncodingRecord
Associated with encoding record
Associated with encodingRecords
Associated with platform ID
Associated with platform-specific encoding ID
Associated with Unicode subtable
Associated with Unicode部分表
Associated with プラットフォームID
Associated with 符号化ID
Associated with platform IDs
Associated with encoding IDs
Associated with encoding ID
Associated with フォント符号化
Associated with font encoding
Associated with Unicode cmap subtable
Associated with Unicode 'cmap' subtable
Associated with Unicode cmap部分表
Associated with 2
Associated with 4
Associated with 1
Associated with 0
Associated with 3
Associated with OTF Windows NT compatibility mapping
Associated with language
Associated with 言語
Associated with プラットフォーム特有符号化ID
Associated with 言語ID
Associated with language ID
Associated with languageID
Associated with 言語識別子
Associated with ulCodePageRange1
Associated with ulCodePageRange2