

Associated with JUNETコード
Associated with x-windows-iso2022jp
Associated with junetコード
Associated with RFC 1468のISO-2022-JP
Associated with iso-2022-jp
Associated with RFC 1468
Associated with ISO-2022-JPのISO/IEC 2022適合性
Associated with RFC1468符号化表現
Associated with RFC 1468符号化表現
Associated with old-jis
Associated with iso-2022-jp-1978-irv
Associated with junet
Associated with JIS
Associated with JIS7
Associated with JISコード
Associated with jis7
Associated with jis
Associated with 7ビットJIS
Associated with CP50220
Associated with cp50220
Associated with cp50221
Associated with CP50221
Associated with cp50222
Associated with CP50222
Associated with iso-2022-jp-ms
Associated with ISO-2022-JP-MS
Associated with RFC 1468符号化文字集合
Associated with ISOJP
Associated with ISO2022-JP
Associated with 2022JP
Associated with ISO2022JP