

Associated with iモード絵文字
Associated with Emoji
Associated with emoji
Associated with 携帯電話のシフトJIS拡張
Associated with シフトJIS//携帯電話の拡張
Associated with Emoticons
Associated with $unicode:Emoticons
Associated with default
Associated with em
Associated with text
Associated with Extended_Pictographs
Associated with Extended_Pictographics
Disassociated from Extended_Pictographs
Associated with うごメモはてなの絵文字
Associated with Google絵文字
Associated with sjis-jsky
Associated with x-sjis-jsky
Associated with x-iso-2022-jp-airh
Associated with x-iso-2022-jp-kddi
Associated with SoftBank絵文字
Associated with シフトJIS (SoftBank)
Associated with シフトJIS (au)
Associated with シフトJIS (iモード)
Associated with シフトJIS文字参照
Associated with Hatena::Emoji