

Associated with 紀年法とは何か
Associated with 紀年法とはなにか
Associated with 紀年法の成熟度
Associated with 紀年法とは何かを考える
Associated with 数値的に等価な紀年法
Associated with 同名で数値的に等価な紀年法
Associated with 数値性の紀年法
Associated with 数値区別可能な紀年法
Associated with 数値正準形の紀年法
Associated with 整数増加型紀年法
Associated with 紀年法の成熟
Associated with 一貫性規則
Associated with consistency rule
Associated with candidate function
Associated with year naming scheme
Associated with 候補関数
Associated with YNS
Associated with 紀年法
Associated with deterministic
Associated with 決定的
Associated with year-deterministic
Associated with 年決定的
Associated with name-deterministic
Associated with 名前決定的
Associated with first year
Associated with 元年
Associated with integer-incrementing year naming scheme
Disassociated from 数値正準形の紀年法
Associated with offset
Associated with 整数減少型紀年法
Associated with integer-decreasing year naming scheme
Associated with anno-style year naming scheme
Associated with after epoch
Associated with 紀元前
Associated with 紀元後
Associated with circular year naming scheme
Associated with 循環型紀年法
Associated with before epoch
Associated with |