

Associated with 回転 (書字方向)
Associated with 回転
Associated with 正立
Associated with 直立
Associated with 寝かす
Associated with 寝かせる
Associated with 反時計回りに90°回転
Associated with 時計回りに90°回転
Associated with 反時計回り90度回転
Associated with 回転文字
Associated with 90度横転組み
Associated with 字形回転
Associated with 反時計回りに90度回転
Associated with 時計回りに90度回転
Associated with 寝かせた横書き
Associated with 寝かせた縦書き
Associated with 和字扱い
Associated with 書き上げ
Associated with 書き下げ
Associated with 時計回り90度回転