

Associated with 支那の元号
Associated with 支那の私年号
Associated with 中国の元号
Associated with 支那王朝の元号
Associated with 西夏紀年考
Associated with 中華王朝の元号
Associated with 唐の元号
Associated with 漢の元号
Associated with 西夏の元号
Associated with 明の元号
Associated with 明國の元号
Associated with 明国の元号
Associated with 清の元号
Associated with 清國の元号
Associated with 清国の元号
Associated with Chinese era name
Associated with 中華人民共和国の元号
Associated with 中華人民共和国の私年号
Associated with 清朝年号
Disassociated from 清國の元号
Disassociated from 清朝年号
Disassociated from 清の元号
Disassociated from 清国の元号
Disassociated from 西夏紀年考
Disassociated from 西夏の元号
Associated with 十六国夏の年号について
Associated with 夏の年号
Associated with 呉の元号
Associated with 蜀の元号
Associated with 魏の元号
Associated with 三国時代の元号
Associated with 三国の元号
Associated with 後漢の元号
Associated with 前漢の元号
Associated with 大魏元年 (曹操)
Associated with 大魏元年
Associated with 五代十国の元号
Associated with 五胡十六国時代の元号
Associated with 五胡十六国の元号
Disassociated from 十六国夏の年号について
Associated with 南明の元号
Associated with 中原の年号
Associated with 中原の元号
Associated with 中国の私年号
Associated with 支那の日時
Disassociated from 支那の日時
Disassociated from 蜀の元号
Disassociated from 呉の元号
Disassociated from 大魏元年 (曹操)
Disassociated from 三国時代の元号
Disassociated from 五胡十六国時代の元号
Disassociated from 三国の元号
Disassociated from 五胡十六国の元号
Disassociated from 大魏元年
Disassociated from 魏の元号
Associated with 中華人民共和国建国紀元
Disassociated from 中華人民共和国建国紀元
Associated with 漢土の元号
Associated with 宋の元号
Associated with 中華の元号
Associated with 北宋の元号
Associated with 南宋の元号