

Associated with generalized duration description
Associated with Generalized duration description
Associated with GeneralDurationDescription
Associated with time:GeneralDurationDescription
Associated with :GeneralDurationDescription
Associated with :DurationDescription
Associated with duration description
Associated with Duration description
Associated with DurationDescription
Associated with time:DurationDescription
Associated with :weeks
Associated with months
Associated with :months
Associated with :minutes
Associated with time:seconds
Associated with :hours
Associated with time:months
Associated with :days
Associated with time:hasTRS
Associated with seconds
Associated with days
Associated with time:minutes
Associated with minutes
Associated with hours
Associated with time:days
Associated with time:years
Associated with time:weeks
Associated with :years
Associated with weeks
Associated with years
Associated with hasTRS
Associated with :hasTRS
Associated with time:hours
Associated with :seconds
Disassociated from time:hasTRS
Disassociated from :hasTRS
Disassociated from hasTRS