

Associated with relativePosition
Associated with TM_RelativePosition
Associated with TM_Order
Associated with Allen (1983)
Associated with Allen's interval algebra
Associated with AIA
Associated with before
Associated with after
Associated with inside
Associated with :inside
Associated with time:inside
Associated with time:before
Associated with :before
Associated with :after
Associated with time:after
Associated with time:intervalAfter
Associated with :intervalOverlappedBy
Associated with time:intervalDisjoint
Associated with time:intervalStartedBy
Associated with time:intervalFinishedBy
Associated with intervalMeets
Associated with :intervalEquals
Associated with time:intervalIn
Associated with time:intervalMetBy
Associated with intervalFinishes
Associated with time:intervalOverlaps
Associated with intervalOverlaps
Associated with intervalContains
Associated with intervalFinishedBy
Associated with time:intervalStarts
Associated with intervalDuring
Associated with intervalAfter
Associated with :intervalStarts
Associated with time:intervalFinishes
Associated with intervalStartedBy
Associated with intervalStarts
Associated with intervalOverlappedBy
Associated with time:intervalMeets
Associated with :intervalContains
Associated with time:intervalBefore
Associated with time:intervalOverlappedBy
Associated with :intervalFinishes
Associated with intervalDisjoint
Associated with :intervalMeets
Associated with :intervalAfter
Associated with time:intervalEquals
Associated with :intervalFinishedBy
Associated with time:intervalDuring
Associated with :intervalIn
Associated with :inTimePosition
Associated with :intervalDuring
Associated with intervalEquals
Associated with :intervalDisjoint
Associated with intervalBefore
Associated with intervalIn
Associated with :intervalMetBy
Associated with :intervalStartedBy
Associated with :intervalOverlaps
Associated with time:intervalContains
Associated with :intervalBefore
Associated with intervalMetBy
Associated with Time Interval Algebra
Associated with Allen’s Time Interval Algebra