

Associated with 時間参照系
Associated with temporal reference system
Associated with TM_ReferenceSystem
Associated with 基本時間参照系
Associated with name
Associated with domainOfValidity
Associated with position
Associated with TRS
Associated with temporal CRS
Associated with TemporalCRS
Associated with 時間座標参照系
Associated with temporal coordinate reference system
Disassociated from temporal CRS
Disassociated from TemporalCRS
Disassociated from temporal coordinate reference system
Disassociated from 時間座標参照系
Associated with calendar-clock system
Associated with 暦時計系
Associated with calendar-clock combination
Associated with time:TRS
Associated with :TRS
Associated with Temporal reference system
Associated with :hasTRS
Associated with hasTRS
Associated with time:hasTRS