

Associated with 改元日
Associated with 改元
Associated with 立年改元
Associated with 称元
Associated with 建元
Associated with 災異改元
Associated with 祥瑞改元
Associated with 革年改元
Associated with 代始改元
Associated with 即日改元
Associated with 踰年改元
Associated with 翌日改元
Associated with 踰月改元
Associated with 越年改元
Associated with 革命勘文
Associated with 即位改元
Associated with 称元法
Associated with 称元制
Associated with 何々改元
Associated with ○○改元
Disassociated from 建元
Disassociated from ○○改元
Disassociated from 何々改元
Disassociated from 革命勘文
Disassociated from 代始改元
Disassociated from 災異改元
Disassociated from 革年改元
Disassociated from 改元
Disassociated from 称元法
Disassociated from 祥瑞改元
Disassociated from 称元
Associated with 改元の時期
Associated with 改元の期日
Associated with 踰月稱元法
Associated with 踰年称元
Associated with 踰年稱元
Associated with 踰月称元
Associated with 踰月称元法
Associated with 踰月稱元
Associated with 踰年稱元法
Associated with 踰年称元法
Associated with 改元時期
Associated with 称元法
Associated with 改元期日
Associated with 遡及年号
Associated with 未来年号
Associated with 延長年号
Associated with 年始に遡って改元
Associated with 年始遡及年号
Associated with 年始遡及年号法
Associated with 改元の基準点
Associated with 踰日改元
Associated with 踰年正月改元
Associated with 践祚同年同日改元
Associated with 即時改元
Associated with 翌年改元
Associated with 立年踰日改元
Associated with 立年即日改元
Associated with 即位同時改元
Associated with 践祚同日改元
Associated with 践祚踰年改元
Associated with 踰󠄂月改元
Associated with 踰󠄂年改元
Associated with 明年改元
Associated with 当年改元
Associated with 次年改元
Associated with 当年称元
Associated with 越年称元
Associated with 当年称元法
Associated with 越年称元法
Associated with 改元伝達
Associated with 代始改元の時期
Associated with 崩年改元
Associated with 即位称元法
Associated with 稱元法
Associated with 即位称元
Associated with 不改年号
Associated with 改元伝達ルート