

Associated with 大域オブジェクト
Associated with 大域物体
Associated with Global Object
Associated with global object
Associated with global environment
Associated with 大域環境
Associated with JavaScript大域環境
Associated with JavaScript global environment
Associated with global execution context
Associated with 大域実行文脈
Associated with [Global]
Associated with PrimaryGlobal
Associated with [PrimaryGlobal]
Associated with primary global object
Associated with 一次大域オブジェクト
Associated with 大域名
Associated with global names
Associated with global name
Associated with 一次大域インターフェイス
Associated with primary global interface
Associated with ECMAScript global environment
Associated with ECMAScript大域環境
Associated with global scope
Associated with global
Associated with 大域適用範囲
Associated with JavaScript大域オブジェクト
Associated with JavaScript global object
Associated with ECMAScript global object
Associated with ECMAScript大域オブジェクト
Associated with セキュリティー検査を実行
Associated with perform a security check
Associated with セキュリティー検査の実行
Disassociated from [Global]
Disassociated from primary global object
Disassociated from primary global interface
Disassociated from 一次大域オブジェクト
Disassociated from [PrimaryGlobal]
Disassociated from 一次大域インターフェイス
Disassociated from PrimaryGlobal
Associated with 初期オブジェクト
Associated with initial objects
Associated with initial object
Associated with globalObject
Associated with execution context's global object
Associated with [[globalObject]]
Associated with 実行文脈の大域オブジェクト
Associated with GlobalObject
Associated with [[GlobalObject]]
Associated with Realmの大域オブジェクト
Associated with the Realm's global object
Associated with 環境設定群オブジェクトの大域オブジェクト
Associated with environment settings object's global object
Associated with the environment settings object's global object