

Associated with SHIFT_JIS
Associated with 17
Associated with csshiftjis
Associated with MS_Kanji
Associated with ms_kanji
Associated with csShiftJIS
Associated with Shift_JIS
Associated with shift_jis
Associated with シフトJIS//歴史
Associated with CP932
Associated with JISとMS932の差異
Associated with MS932
Associated with Windows-31j
Associated with CP 932
Associated with Windows-932
Associated with CP932//JISとMS932との差異
Associated with Windows 932
Associated with windows-31j
Associated with Windows932
Associated with Windows-31J
Associated with コードページ932
Associated with マイクロソフト標準キャラクタセット
Associated with Windows標準キャラクターセット
Associated with マイクロソフト標準キャラクターセット
Associated with ms932
Associated with SJIS
Associated with SJIS-open
Associated with japa5
Associated with JA16SJIS
Associated with Macintosh 日本語
Associated with CP10001
Associated with Macintosh日本語
Associated with MacJapanese
Associated with IBM932
Associated with IBM CodePage 932
Associated with IBM-932
Associated with 日電文字
Associated with NEC932
Associated with NEC 932
Associated with CP942
Associated with IBM CodePage 942
Associated with IBM-943
Associated with CP943
Associated with MSK
Associated with MSKanji
Associated with PC漢字コード
Associated with PCK
Associated with G2000
Associated with ダメ文字
Associated with だめ文字
Associated with 駄目文字
Associated with x-IBM943C
Associated with cp943
Associated with X-IBM943C
Associated with Shift JIS
Associated with sjis
Associated with シフトジス
Associated with Shift_JISX0213
Associated with shift_jisx0213
Associated with シフト符号化文字集合
Associated with シフト符号化表現
Associated with Shift_JISX0213-plane1
Associated with Shift_JISX0213符号化文字集合
Associated with Shift_JIS-2004
Associated with Shift_JIS-2004-plane1
Associated with Shift_JIS-2003
Associated with Shift_JIS-2003-plane1
Associated with sjis-docomo
Associated with x-sjis-docomo
Associated with S_JIS
Associated with x-Shift_JISX0213
Disassociated from だめ文字
Disassociated from 駄目文字
Disassociated from ダメ文字
Associated with x-MS932_0213
Associated with x-SJIS_0213