

Associated with xmlns:cbl
Associated with cbl:*
Associated with http://schemas.cybozulive.com/common/2010
Associated with cbl
Associated with cblNtf:*
Associated with cblNtf
Associated with http://schemas.cybozulive.com/notification/2010
Associated with cbl:
Associated with cblNtf:
Disassociated from xmlns:cbl
Associated with cblGrp:
Associated with http://schemas.cybozulive.com/group/2010
Associated with cblGrp
Associated with cblGrp:*
Associated with cblSch:*
Associated with http://schemas.cybozulive.com/schedule/2010
Associated with cblSch
Associated with cblSch:
Associated with http://schemas.cybozulive.com/chat/2010
Associated with cblChat
Associated with cblChat:*
Associated with cblChat:
Associated with cblTsk:*
Associated with cblTsk:
Associated with http://schemas.cybozulive.com/task/2010
Associated with cblTsk