

Associated with KS X1027
Associated with PKS C 5700
Associated with KS X 1027
Associated with KS X 1027-1:2011
Associated with K
Associated with K4
Associated with K3
Associated with K2
Associated with KS X 1027-3
Associated with KS X 1027-1
Associated with K5
Associated with KS X 1027-4
Associated with KS X 1027-2
Associated with KS X 1027-2:2011
Associated with KS X 1027-3:2011
Associated with KS X 1027-4:2011
Associated with KS X 1027-5
Associated with KS X 1027-5:2021
Associated with K6
Associated with KS X 1005-1
Associated with KS X 1005
Associated with K-source
Associated with K-Source
Associated with K source
Associated with 出典K
Associated with K Source
Associated with kIRG_KSource
Associated with unihan:kIRG_KSource
Associated with unihan3.0:kIRG_KSource
Associated with K1933_1
Associated with KHC/2.1
Associated with K字形
Associated with ROK Normalization Rule