

Associated with Indian/Maldives
Associated with モルディブ標準時
Associated with モルディブ時間
Associated with インド洋諸島の標準時
Associated with MVT
Associated with モルディブの標準時
Associated with Indian/Chagos
Associated with セーシェルの標準時
Associated with Indian/Mahe
Associated with Seychelles Standard Time
Associated with Seychelles Bureau of Standards (Seychelles Standard Time) Notice
Associated with セーシェル標準時
Associated with モーリシャス標準時
Associated with Indian/Mauritius
Associated with モーリシャスの標準時
Associated with Indian/Comoro
Associated with コモロの標準時
Associated with Réunion time
Associated with Indian/Reunion
Associated with Indian/Mayotte
Associated with Indian/Antananarivo
Associated with マダガスカルの標準時
Associated with Indian/Kerguelen
Associated with Indian/Alfred_Faure
Associated with Mauritius standard time
Associated with マーレ時間
Associated with Maldives Standard Time
Associated with Maldives Time
Associated with Male’ time
Associated with Male time
Associated with Malé Time
Associated with レユニオン島の標準時
Associated with 仏領レユニオンの標準時