

Associated with トゥヴァ
Associated with トゥバ
Associated with ロシア帝国保護領トゥバ
Associated with 清領トゥバ
Associated with トゥヴァ人民共和国
Associated with トゥバ人民共和国
Associated with ロシア領トゥバ
Associated with タンヌツワ人民共和国
Associated with (no title)
Disassociated from タンヌツワ人民共和国
Disassociated from ロシア領トゥバ
Disassociated from 清領トゥバ
Disassociated from ロシア帝国保護領トゥバ
Disassociated from トゥヴァ
Disassociated from トゥバ人民共和国
Disassociated from トゥバ
Disassociated from トゥヴァ人民共和国
Associated with 咸和
Disassociated from (no title)