

Associated with 檀君紀元
Associated with 檀紀
Associated with 檀君元年
Associated with 檀君紀元禁止
Associated with 開天紀元
Associated with 壇暦
Associated with 壇君暦
Associated with Dangi
Associated with Dangi years
Associated with 檀君紀年
Associated with 朝鮮建国
Associated with 朝鮮建國
Associated with 壇紀
Associated with 檀君暦
Associated with 朝鮮紀元
Associated with 大韓紀元
Associated with 단기
Associated with 단군기원
Associated with Tân-kì
Associated with Tân-kun kì-goân
Associated with 단군원호
Associated with 檀君元號
Associated with 建国
Associated with 紀元
Associated with 年號に關する法律
Associated with 年号に関する法律
Associated with 年號에關한法律
Associated with 연호에관한법률
Associated with 연호에 관한 법률
Associated with Tangun Era